So, two of my coworkers and myself went to Chiayi a little while ago. David, Riana and I went to visit one of Riana’s AESIEC friends named Bonnie! We took the train out of Taipei and her father picked us up at the train station. Then we went back to his parent in laws house.
Because it was during the Chinese New Year break their family was staying with the grandparents on their farm. We were welcomed with a large meal cooked by Bonnie’s mom. It was delicious and since it was home cooked it wasn’t too greasy! We all loved it, and ate until we could eat no more.
That afternoon we left the house and went to some landmarks and sightseeing areas around the farm. We first went to a Japanese build railroad in the mountains, which was beautiful and had a nice display of wood carvings. We walked around the area on the stone pathways and took in the beautiful mountains.
After the mountains we went to a homemade ice cream place and fed koi. There was a local market of sorts there, so we tasted fresh honey and other snacks, then we rode on a traditional ox pulled cart.
Upon returning to Bonnie’s grandparents we had a large dinner and then lit off fireworks for a couple hours! It was awesome and the whole family was joining in! After the fireworks show all the kids gathered in one area and we played card games for hours. When we finally went to sleep we only had a couple hours rest because we woke up in the morning to go on a bike ride, which was my favorite part of the trip!
We took off in a group of about 8 at around 9 in the morning. As a group we cycled between the fields and along the rivers and over bridges. It was the first warm day since I had been to Taiwan and it was beautiful. I felt like I was transported back 50 years with the sun out and mountains all around. Long periods of time would go by without seeing a car, which is so rare especially living in Taipei. We were even riding by a small airfield and the pilot invited us in to look at his small planes! I wish I could have ridden all day, but alas we had a train to catch.
We returned to the grandparent’s house and said our goodbyes then we were off to the train with lunchboxes in hand, which were provided by Bonnie’s mom. Next was off to Taroko Gorge, but I’ll save that for another time!
pick up...........接
ox pulled cart..........牛車
lit off..........放(煙火)