目前分類:OH! Grammar!不要跟我說文法 (14)

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Today I am going to introduce another sentence pattern, but first a review of the patterns from the last two weeks. The answers to last weeks questions are at the bottom.

Simple Sentence

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Hello everyone,

I mentioned last week that writing with different sentences is important, so today I'm going to introduce some new sentence patterns.

The Complex Sentence

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Compound Sentences


Before we start to learn about compound sentences, everyone should be clear about simple sentences first.

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你有沒有常常分不清楚,什麼時候該用aton還有in呢?今天Ian要利用一個AmEnglish線上英語學習軟體--Writing in English最佳文法學習軟體的教材內容,以圖解的方式來向你說明at、on還有in這三者的正確用法!

There is a saying in English, "Someone has always done it better."

When I tried to explain today's grammatical rule, I found this to be very true. So instead of creating my own lesson, I decided to copy one from the professionals.

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今天Ian要藉由一些小測驗,讓大家複習我們之前上過的文法課內容(OH! Grammar! 1-7),仔細練習以下的題目,我們將在下禮拜的文法課公布答案喔!加油!

Last week you had a day off, but did you review with your extra time? Review is very important. Even if you're learning in your native language, you won't remember new words or facts without reviewing and using them.

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OH! Grammar! 不要跟我說文法


We have a saying in English, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

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What time is it everyone? It's grammar time.

Ok, bring out the grammar.

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Hello everyone,

Happy Dragon Boat Festival. Now that everyone's day off is over, how about some grammar. That's what I'm talking about.

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gerund動名詞 vs. infinitive不定詞



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"Direct Quote" vs. Indirect Quote

Lesson #4


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Lesson # 3


The Present Perfect Tense: Ever and Never

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Lesson # 2



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Lesson # 1

be/get used to(習慣於...) vs. used to(以前...)。


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