Ian也很努力學習中文,他深信『聽錄音帶是學語文的最好方法』,因此他常隨身攜帶錄有中文的MP3,反覆聽、反覆練習說。學英文也是喔,多練習就會進步!Practice Makes Perfect!
Hello everyone, this is my first blog entry, so I feel a lot of pressure. If I don't make it really exciting no one will come back to look at my future blogs. So I'm going to make up a lot of fake stories to make myself sound more exciting than I really am. No… I won't do that, but I will tell you a little about myself and I'll try to keep it interesting. I have a lot of stories to tell, and I like to talk, so I hope you like to listen.
I was born in Montreal, Canada. About half of the city speaks French, including my best friend, and so I grew up speaking French as my second language. In grade five, I moved to Kansas City in the United States. I lived in America for five years and then moved back to Canada to a city called London (not London, England) near Toronto. I finished high school in London and then moved out to the west coast of Canada to the University of Victoria, 4,000 km away from home, to take business classes. While at school, I also managed to live in Japan and Vietnam for three months each.
I have three older sisters in Canada and the United States and my oldest sister now has two children. Growing up with three older sisters can be hard for a guy, because they try to treat you like their doll. When I was very young, my sisters used to dress me up in Hawaiian skirts and put make-up on my face. Then they would make me dance and take pictures of me. Remember I was only three years old and don't worry, I don't wear skirts anymore and I will never show you those pictures.
So now I'm living and working in Taipei and I really love it here. The food is amazing (I've gained a much needed 5 pounds), people are nice to me and help me when I get lost, and I'm trying to learn how to speak and read Chinese. Who knows, maybe I'll try learning how to write. Well, I think this is a long enough introduction, so from now on I will only try to tell you interesting stories of crazy things I’ve done in the past, or interesting things I see in the now!
Hope to see your comments up on the blog soon. Peace.
Ian McIlwaine