還記得之前提到Virtual Teacher參加了今年的龍舟賽嗎?
One night I was sitting in a café on Roosevelt road with a fellow Canadian sipping a coffee. We’re talking about this and that and how we love Taipei; she mentioned how she loved Dragon Boat. This interested me because I was looking to meet new people, so I inquired. She told me about the team, Cantai, and how it is made up of Canadians living in Taipei. This sounded great to me, so next week there I was under a bridge at 6:00am paddling in a ‘bucket’. We had a few weeks to practice our technique before we could get in the boats and go for a real paddle.

還記得之前提到Virtual Teacher參加了今年的龍舟賽嗎?
One night I was sitting in a café on Roosevelt road with a fellow Canadian sipping a coffee. We’re talking about this and that and how we love Taipei; she mentioned how she loved Dragon Boat. This interested me because I was looking to meet new people, so I inquired. She told me about the team, Cantai, and how it is made up of Canadians living in Taipei. This sounded great to me, so next week there I was under a bridge at 6:00am paddling in a ‘bucket’. We had a few weeks to practice our technique before we could get in the boats and go for a real paddle.

On every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the next several weeks I had to wake up at 4:40am to be at Danshui River by 6:00am for practice. Our practices were intense and very tiring; we paddled in all types of weather including the hot sun and heavy rain. Improving almost daily our team became like one big family. As the Dragon Boat Festival approached we became increasingly excited.

(飲酒過量 有害健康)

(飲酒過量 有害健康)
Finally the weekend had arrived. Our first competition! We were all so excited in our red and white uniforms. We jogged a team, stretched as a team and raced as a team. It was an amazing feeling to be working together as one. The excitement built to a climax as we paddled out to the starting area. As we waited to begin we all fell silent, waiting, waiting for instruction.

(Meagan 老師出現了,有看到她嗎?)
YU BEI the officials yell.
YU BEI the officials yell.
SHA we yell back.
Then it began, we paddled ferociously. The fast start, the slow but powerful middle section and finally the all-out fast and powerful finish; we did everything according to plan. I paddled as hard as I possibly could until the flag came down and landed in the water beside me. The team screamed with joy, though we only came third of four teams we were so proud.

(Scott 在龍舟的尾端努力的划槳,很可惜沒照到他的英姿!)

(Scott 在龍舟的尾端努力的划槳,很可惜沒照到他的英姿!)
On day two of the competition we had our second race. Again we lined up, again we were silent, again the intense start, and again we stuck to plan. This time we came first by many boat lengths, overcome by joy we screamed and hugged each other. This put our mood way up! We had many hours until our next race, so we hung out by the river and ate a lot of local food and Zongzi.

Our third race was a heartbreaker. We did everything perfectly, and it might have been our best race yet, but alas we came third. In the later rounds coming third means being bumped out, so that was the last day for us. We gave it our all, after the race we could barely paddle back to the dock because we had worked so hard.

Dragon Boat was an unbelievable experience! When I go back to Canada I’m going to join the dragon boat team there too! I hope you all have a chance to compete one day.
Roosevelt 羅斯福
fellow 同事
sip 啜飲
inquire 詢問
paddling 划舟
bucket 桶
intense 熱烈的
climax 頂點
ferociously 兇猛的
all-out 毫無保留
stick to 忠於
alas 唉
Roosevelt 羅斯福
fellow 同事
sip 啜飲
inquire 詢問
paddling 划舟
bucket 桶
intense 熱烈的
climax 頂點
ferociously 兇猛的
all-out 毫無保留
stick to 忠於
alas 唉