



Going to the Movies!  

I'm sitting in a coffee shop with Stephanie and May, discussing what to do. It's a Saturday night and that means fun, because we can stay out late!

Great minds think alike because just as I'm about to suggest going to the movies, May says:

May: Hey, I know! How about we go and watch a movie? I know that there are a whole lot of new films now showing.

Riana: I was just about to say the same thing. I really want to go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie! It came out on Wednesday… have you seen the previews?

Stephanie: Yeah! It looks pretty exciting, and I really like Orlando Bloom… uh, not as much as my friend though! Haha, she's fallen head over heels for him since she first saw him in Lord of the Rings…

  • Stay out late: be away from home late at night

            Eg: I'll be staying out late tonight with my friends

  • Great minds think alike: someone has the same idea/thought as you

            Eg: Great minds think alike when it comes to planning a party!

  • Going to the movies: to go watch a movie at a movie theatre

            Eg: My sister is going to the movies with her boyfriend tonight.

  • Whole lot of (something): many, lots of

            Eg: Wow, that's a whole lot of dishes that needs to be washed!

  • To come out: to be released

            Eg: The results for the final exam will come out on Monday at 10am

  • Fallen head over heels: to fall deeply in love with someone

            Eg: He fell head over heels in love with the waitress at the café on the corner.

Stephanie and May at Vieshow Cinemas (former Warner Village)

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