
想知道來自加拿大的Ian在Virtual Class裡平時都和誰一起工作嗎?快點進來瞧一瞧!

I feel pretty lucky because I get to work in Taiwan, eat good food all the time, and skip the cold winters in Canada. Another important part of life is the people you work with, because they're the people you spend the most time with. People at our office are really nice. Today I want to introduce some of the people from my office. I don't have space to introduce everyone, so if people from work are not in the blog and they want to be, I can add anyone with no problem.

Name: Jessie                        


Position: Project Specialist

Favorite Food: Chinese cuisine

Favorite Movie: Haha- Jerry Maguire

Favorite Singer: Cantonese singers

Hobbies: Sightseeing

Biggest Fear: Cockroaches....

Jessie sits right beside me in the office. I ask her to help me out all the time when I don't know Chinese or I don't know how to work my computer. Jessie's English is amazing, she has a Master's in Education degree from the United States and lived in California for a year and a half. If you look at our new Criterion poster, you'll see Jessie on the front. I talked about the poster in last week's blog.

Name: Sophie                                                                          Name: Rena

Age: 23                                                                                Age: Can I keep it a secret?                        

Favorite Food: Ice cream and delicacies                          Favorite Food: Spicy food

Favorite Movie: The DaVinci Code                                    Favorite Movie:    

Favorite Singer: Ronon Keating, Bon Jovi                    Favorite Singer: Ryde (L'arc-en-ciel)     

Hobbies: Reading novels, movies, games                       Hobbies: games, reading novels, comics

Biggest Fear: Worms and cockroaches                            Biggest Fear: Ghosts

If you come to see us to sign up for a test, you might meet Sophie or Rena when you first come in. They're really friendly and good with people. I always see them when I'm waiting for the crazy elevator in our building. For some reason, if the elevator is on the second floor and you push the button, it goes to the first floor and then comes back again. Once you get on, the elevator will sometimes go back to the first floor again. I hope Sophie and Rena know that it's the elevator and not me getting confused.


Name: Conny Hsu         

Age: 28

Position: Vice President Specialist

Favorite Food: Fruit tea

Favorite Movie: Top Gun

Favorite Singer: Norah Jones (good choice)

Hobbies: Reading, yoga

Biggest Fear: Mice

Conny is one of the first people I met at the company, and she always helps me out and keeps me company if we're together at any of the TOEIC tests. Conny is getting married pretty soon, I've seen the pictures of her dresses and they're really great. So colourful. I believe the date for the wedding is June 30th. I also talk with her fiance when we are together for the TOEIC tests. I think they're a great couple.

Name: Andrew Huang      

Age: 34

Position: Specialist

Favorite Food: All kinds of delicious food

Favorite Movie: Action movies

Favorite Singer: None

Hobbies: Sports (Baseball, basketball, swimming...)

Biggest Fear: My girl friends

Andrew is one of the guys in the office. We are outnumbered. He's getting married pretty soon too, and he tells me about it a lot when he says "I can't escape my girlfriend's talons". Andrew took me to Iran, oh sorry, I mean Ilan and we went swimming at a waterfall and drank with some yuan zhu ming. It was an awesome trip. Afterwards we played some basketball, and I am sure that basketball is defintely one of Andrew's hobbies.

Name: Tony Hsieh  

Age: Secret

Position: MIS

Favorite Food: Thai food, Korean food

Favorite Movie: Braveheart (yeah), Superman, Star Wars...

Favorite Singer: Prince, Elton John...

Hobbies: Music, video games, basketball, tennis

Biggest Fear: Big spiders, flying cockroaches

Tony is a computer genius. Really. I have more problems with computers than any other person in the world, and Tony can fix all my problems within seconds. I am always very amazed. Not only is he a computer wizard, he's a really good guy too. Tony used to live in Vancouver, pretty close to where I went to school, and we often talk about how things are back in Canada. This year was one of the coldest winters in Vancouver and Tony got to live through it. Lucky guy.

Name: Carine

Age: 24

Position: Accounting

Favorite Food: Donuts

Favorite Movie: Horror films

Favorite Singer: Lisa Ono

Hobbies: Swimming, riding a bicycle

What are you afraid of?  I'm afraid of cockroaches!!!!!!!

It seems like everyone is afraid of cockroaches. Carine seems to be really afraid. Carine took me out to a restaurant one  day when I wasn't feeling well. When we got there she wouldn't let me eat any of the delicious greasy food because she said it was bad for me. I thanked her for being my mom for a day. Carine can sing really well in English, so if you ever see her on the street, ask her to sing a song for you. It's like Celine Dion or Lisa Ono or.... In this picture Carine if giving the thumbs up for our Criterion DM. Look really close and you can see my picture on the cover.

I'll be adding more pictures of coworkers in the future so come back and you'll see some more of the people from here at the office.

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