
上週五,我們在台北福華飯店舉辦了一場Criterion Version 7.1說明會暨教師分享教學經驗座談會

Ian是其中的一位主講者,他與老師們分享了如何運用Criterion最新的Make a plan功能來協助同學們預先組織文章的架構與內容。


This weekend we had a conference at the Morrison Hotel, which is pretty
close to our office, to show Criterion to teachers from Universities around
Taiwan. If your teachers didn't come and don't use Criterion in their
writing class, please tell them for me.

My first job was to set up the sign and posters. Jessie, who sits next to me
in the office, was on one of the posters. It was cool to see her as the ETS
poster girl.

After the poster was set up, I started to eat a piece of pizza, but as soon
as I took a bite the teachers started to arrive. We put away the pizza and
began to greet the teachers.

Everyone enjoyed meeting the teachers.

When Ben opened the conference, I started to get nervous. One one hand I was
nervous because he told everyone to think of a 成語 and I was afraid that
he was going to pick me to answer in front of everyone. I couldn't think of
a 成語, only 傾盆大雨. I'm lucky I wasn't picked.

The second reason I was nervous was because I had to speak at the
conference. When May finished speaking, I walked up to the podium and
started telling everyone about how Criterion can help to teach English essay
structure. I was so nervous my hands were shaking. I had trouble typing in
my Criterion user name and password.

I was a speaker at the conference!

Once the teachers were busy writing an outline for a topic I gave them, I
started to feel better. After I got over being so nervous, speaking to all
the teachers seemed easy.

The teachers writing a topic outline

When the conference was all done I went around and helped some of the
teachers. I don't know why, but I seem to look very serious or mad in all
the pictures. In one picture I saw of the conference, I went to help a
teacher but she looks really afraid of me.

Do you think I'm scaring her???

All in all it was a great time, and my first time to be involved in a
conference. Maybe we'll have another soon in Kaohsiung or Tainan.


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