
學習語文若能從聽、說、讀、寫齊頭並進,一定能達到最佳的學習成效與明顯的進步,所以現在無論是TOEFL考試甚至是將來的 New TOEIC都由聽、說、讀、寫來全方位的測驗應試者真實的英語程度。

ETS台灣區代表為了協助TOEFL iBT考生加強independent writing的應試能力,特別推出ETS Criterion寫作軟體與朗文出版書籍Building Writing Skills for the TOEFL iBT的配套學習教材,幫助考生充分準備TOEFL iBT的考試。


Our team created a new invention to prepare for the TOEFL iBT!

The most popular new way to study English is by practicing all 4 skills at the same time: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. New programs developed for TOEFL, and the New TOEIC which will be released in the future, use the new 4 skills methods. Why? Because they work!

So... what is our new invention? It is the best way to practice 4 skills ever released. Students can use our new package to prepare for the TOEFL iBT.


We have combined our Criterion TOEFL Writing Topics with Pearson & Longman's "NorthStar: Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT" books. 

The package comes in 3 levels: intermediate, high intermediate, and advanced.

Using Criterion software, students can now take a practice writing test using real TOEFL Topics after reading every chapter of the books.

Criterion can score students' essays automatically from 1-6, and students will know if they are ready for the TOEFL iBT writing sections or not.

We are really excited about this new package because nothing like this has ever been released before. It is the first package to include reading, writing, and listening all in one package.

People can pick it up at our front desk or from our TOEFL website.  I'll provide the company address and our website address for those who are interested.


Here's our formal introduction for the new package! I hope you are able to take advantage of our new creation. When you become a great English writer like Mark Twain, be sure to thank Mia!


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