
ETS台灣區代表出版的TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide,書中完整收錄二套全真TOEIC模擬試題及一套迷你試題,並附三片原音重現聽力測驗CD,能提供您足夠之考前準備練習,書中每題均附答題中文詳解、常用英文單字與片語,讓您在練習時更能掌握準備的方向,臨場考試 更能得心應手,若您不熟悉TOEIC聽力測驗之語調節奏,或不明瞭TOEIC閱讀測驗之題型、出題方試與答題方法時,這本書將能有效的為您指引考試準備方向,可說是準備TOEIC測驗之最佳工具書。此外Idioms in English是唯一與 ETS 共同推出之線上英語片語學習軟體,以故事或情境對話的方式詳細解說 100 組美國商業慣用語,並備有發音說明,可有效增進您的字彙能力與聽力。

I know it seems really daunting when you are preparing for a test. I remember studying very hard with my friends during study sessions, and on the day I would be so nervous. But someone once said to me:

"The only way to prepare for a language test is to improve your language skills"

So you should try to use that language as much as you can! To make it a little easier for you (and cheaper!) we have combined two of our really great test preparation materials to give you:

TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide

+ AmEnglish Idioms in English

Together they will help you practise your English, building up your English skills so you can achieve SUCCESS. The explanations are all in Chinese so that you can really understand each and every tip.

You should be strongly prepared in all ways for this test: know the questions format and environment, build up your listening comprehension and to have strong skills in reading.

The TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide is very comprehensive. It has 540 authentic test questions for you to practise on! I think that's plenty of practise for you, especially because it is exactly like the real TOEIC test.

To prepare you for the test environment, this guide also includes 2 full-length TOEIC tests and 2 TOEIC mini-tests! They even have translations so you can really understand the format of the questions. My favorite section is the listening comprehension, which is included on 3 CDs. They're full length, so you can keep on listening and really create an English environment.

The second product is AmEnglish Idioms in English.

Note: This is an online program (So you can use it anytime, anywhere!)

Most English speakers, and especially Americans, use a lot of idioms in everyday situations. Idioms are sentences that have no literal sense, but have their own special meaning. These idioms are the type that you'll find in newspapers like The Wallstreet Journal.

I really like this program because you can read and listen to all the idioms being used in context. They're highlighted so you can see them easily, and if you click on the idiom it will be explained to you. It even shows you how to pronounce the idiom properly, with the stress on the right words in the sentence!

In the TOEIC test they really like to include idioms to see just how good your English is!

Armed with such great English resources, you're sure to be a success with your English skills - and thus, with TOEIC!

For people who want to improve their English skills for the TOEIC with this package, I've included the address and website:



Good luck to all of you!


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