



Has anyone ever broken a bone before? Let me tell you the story of how I broke a bone in my hand, the only time I've ever broken a bone in my life. It also gave me a chance to meet my first girlfriend, Sarah Macleoud.

I remember I was 12 years old, and it was the first day of summer vacation in Kansas. It was a warm sunny day, and my best friend Mike and I were going out to play soccer.

We were riding our bikes and we were passing a soccer ball back and forth as we rode down the street.

The girl that I liked lived on a steep hill. I always rode my bike past her house because I hoped she would be outside so I could meet her or get her attention.

As Mike and I rode down the steep hill passing the soccer ball back and forth to each other, I tried to do a cool pass between my bike tires.

The ball didn't make it through to Mike. It got stuck in my tires and my bike flipped over. I was thrown over my bike handles and fell onto the road. Because I was riding pretty fast down the hill, I broke my hand and cut myself pretty badly.

The accident happened right where the girl I liked lived, so I decided to take advantage of my opportunity and go to her house for help.

I went to her front door and rang the doorbell. She answered the door and looked very surprised to see me. I was holding my arm in pain, but I tried to act really tough to impress her. "Hi Sarah, I think I broke my arm. Can I use your telephone?"

"Sure" she said. I was so excited, I thought she might invite me in, but instead she slammed the door in my face and went to get me the phone. When I got the phone I called my parents and told them what happened. While they were on their way to pick me up, Sarah's mom told her to invite me in to wait for my parents.

Sarah's family, like my family, had moved to Kansas from Canada, so her parents and my parents became friends. I got to meet her a few times when our parents had parties and eventually I asked her out and she said yes!

I had to spend the whole summer in a cast that year, but it was worth it!

This is a picture of Sarah with her boyfriend. He's a soldier fighting in Iraq right now, but he will return safely to America in a few months.


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