


Whenever you learn a langauge, it's inevitable that you'll have to talk about your family. Someone in my family who is a very special person to me is my brother, because we are twins!


When we were born, my parents were really happy. They wanted to have children for a long time, and then they had twins! When we were born we were given toy monkeys as a gift. There was a boy and a girl monkey, just like my brother and I.

My Dad holding my brother Tristan and I


 About my birth:


Name: Riana Rose-Neva Young

Date of birth: 10 March 1987

Time of birth: Approx 10.00am

Place of Birth: King Edward Memorial Hospital ( Australia )

Weight: 2.0kg

Blood type: O

Other siblings: Tristan Geoffrey-Roland Young (age unknown)


Tristan was a little bit heavier than me when we were born - he was 2.2kg. That's still quite light for a baby, but because we were twins, we weighed about half the weight of a normal baby. But I still looked chubby! Our blood types are both O too, but one of us is O- and one is O+. Mum can't remember who has which blood type! On my real birth certificate, it really does say that Tristan's age is "unknown"!!!


Our names have special meanings too. I don't know why our parents gave us two middle names, but maybe they just wanted our names to be full of good meanings. My brother's name can be broken down like this:

Tristan: is the name of one of the knights from King Arthur's Round table.

Roland: is the name of our godfather.

Geoffrey: means "peace".

Riana: means "celebration" in an Australian Aboriginal language.

Rose: because I had rosy cheeks when I was born

Neva: is the name of my great-grandmother.


My Mum liked to dress us the same when we were children, so in many pictures we are wearing matching outfits! I always wanted to wear pants though, and sometimes when my Mum wanted me to wear a dress for church or school I would cry. My brother and I would play outside together a lot, running in the bush and building cubby-houses or playing at the park. I guess I played more "boyish" games than girls. When I played with barbie dolls it was usually in some kind of war against my brother's toy soldiers.

Even at my Aunt's wedding we had similar roles: Ring-boy and Flower-girl

We were naughty when we were children. We always played together, and could help each other out with many things. For example, if we wanted a cookie: by ourselves we could not reach the cookie jar... but together we could help each other reach the jar! Even as we grew up, we complemented each others' skills. I was good at English and Social Sciences, while my brother was excellent with math and science. One of my friends once said "Imagine if you two were born as one child! You'd be a super-brain."

My brother and I always played together, like in this pool

We always did many things together, and my Grandmother would always say "You twins have got each other". We even travelled by ourselves to America when we were only 7 years old! We are such close friends that I feel I can even read his mind sometimes. I usually know what he's feeling or who he likes. However, he cannot read my mind so easily! I think it's very funny, but he doesn't think it's very fair.

In America, playing together in the snow

Have you ever heard people discussing who is the evil/good twin in the relationship? Sometimes people ask us this question as a joke. Usually they think my brother must be the 'evil' twin, but then they get to know both us of us... and realise that I'm the one who likes to play jokes. Another friend once said to me that because I looked so innocent but acted so naughty that I was even more 'evil'! What do you think???



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