你有沒有常常分不清楚,什麼時候該用aton還有in呢?今天Ian要利用一個AmEnglish線上英語學習軟體--Writing in English最佳文法學習軟體的教材內容,以圖解的方式來向你說明at、on還有in這三者的正確用法!

There is a saying in English, "Someone has always done it better."

When I tried to explain today's grammatical rule, I found this to be very true. So instead of creating my own lesson, I decided to copy one from the professionals.

All the pictures and explanations I use today come from AmEnglish's 'Writing in English' program.

I hear people make mistakes with at, on and in all the time, so I'm sure this lesson will help.


We can represent these words by using a bulls-eye.

'At' represents the most accurate time or place. It shows exactly when and where an event takes place.

At can be used with times of the day, such as 'at 7 o'clock'. It can also be used for specific places like buildings, areas, or events.

'On' is less specific than at. On can be used for days of the week, or street names.


'In' is even less specific than 'on'. It is used for years, months, and seasons. The event will have to take place within these periods of time.

In is also used for cities, towns, states, countries...... 


It sounds easy, but lets see how quickly you can respond to these questions. We use these words all the time when we are speaking, so you should be able to answer within a few seconds.


1. Meet me ___ Friday, January 12, ___ 6 p.m.

2. Their stock has doubled ___ the last two months.

3. He left his home ___ the summer.

4. He graduated ___ 1998.

5. That company plans to go public ___ February.

6. She's going on vacation ___ July.

7. Meet me ___ the corner of Second and Elm ___ 5:30 p.m.

8. I've always lived ___ Paris.

9. I hope he stays ___ the university and finishes his degree.

10. We saw them both ___ the party last night.




All the slides you will see today are copyrighted by AmEnglish, and were taken from AmEnglish's 'Writing in English' program.   

Hope this helps.


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