Today I am going to introduce another sentence pattern, but first a review of the patterns from the last two weeks. The answers to last weeks questions are at the bottom.
Simple Sentence
主詞 Subject | 動詞 Verb | 述語 Object |
I | am | a student. |
Compound Sentence
Main Idea | , | Link Word | Main Idea |
Department stores are too expensive | , | so | I shop at markets. |
Essential Information
Beginning | Who, Which, That Clause | End of Main Idea |
People | *that work hard | are more successful. |
People | who play music | are called musicians. |
Unessential Information
Beginning | , | Who, Which, Clause | , | End of Main Idea |
My brother | , | who never eats vegetables | , | never gets sick. |
Taipei 101 | , | which was built in 2003 | , | is the world’s tallest building. |
Today's new pattern is going to be introductions! Here are some examples of how we can use introductions to answer questions like 'when?', 'why?', 'how?', etc...
Introductions to a sentence can be a phrase (no verb) or a clause (subject + verb) but remember, if it is a clause, it must be a dependent clause and use a dependent marker word like 'because', 'after', 'if', etc.
When? Introducing Time
Introduction | , | Main Idea |
After I finish my work | , | I will go to bed. |
Last Monday morning at 7:30 | , | I went to work early for a meeting. |
*Remember: A clause has a subject and verb. A phrase does not.
Why? Giving a Reason
Introduction | , | Main Idea |
Because I am a student | , | my bus tickets are less expensive . |
To study for the TOEIC test | , | I write a journal every day. |
*Remember: ‘To study’ is not a verb, it is considered a noun.
How? Describing how
Introduction | , | Main Idea |
If I get a discount | , | I will buy this shirt. |
Even though this shirt is cheap | , | I won’t buy it. |
What? Describing a Subject
Introduction | , | Main Idea |
Puzzled by my condition | , | the doctor asked me many questions. |
The greatest player in the NBA | , | Michael Jordan won 6 championships. |
Try to use a variety of sentences in your writing. It will make your writing more interesting.
Here are the answers to last week's questions.
1. Patterson Tower , built in 1935 , is a monument to concrete ugliness.
2. The movie that I went to see is no longer playing.
3. Every person who wants a free toy must send in two box tops.
4. John decided , however , not to buy the car.
5. The Mississippi River , which has a cool name , flows south into the Gulf of Mexico.