

Stephanie: A Mosaic of many pictures

Stephanie,Criterion線上英文寫作班的第一位線上老師即將離開台灣前往美國了。但是,喜歡她的學生不必擔心,Stephanie依然會是我們的Virtual Teacher!


Stephanie, the remarkable young woman who came from Switzerland , is now leaving Taiwan to continue sharing her bright self with the world. She designed the Virtual Classes and was a Virtual Teacher, as well as a friendly and helpful colleague. We don’t doubt that we’ll see her again though! She will be coming back to Taiwan to visit sometime in the future.


On Friday we held a farewell party for her, at a nice Japanese restaurant not far from her house. Our goal for the evening: to make her cry!

Everyone dressed up in pretty and handsome clothes, and while we waited to Stephanie to appear we decorated our room in the restaurant. We put a banner across the room saying “We’ll miss you Stephanie”, and the mosaic of pictures on the wall. Ian helped to set up the projector, so we could show a slideshow for Stephanie. Most importantly, Mia set up the computer and speakers for the music and fun to begin…

As the guests started arriving, people sat down and chatted while snacking on the entrees. Suddenly, Stephanie arrived – the guest of honor!

Everybody clapped and cheered as she stepped in the room. She looked stunning in a blue Chinese style blouse and some cream-colored pants. After everybody had greeted each other, the evening began.

Directors from our company, Ben and Joe, said a few words to Stephanie. Ben joked that he’d keep his speech short because he knew that Joe would take a lot of time! People laughed and the atmosphere of the night was light and happy, despite the fact we’d all miss Stephanie.

The best event happened next, because Stephanie and Ian got up to perform a 相聲! It was so funny, and Ian did a terrific job speaking in Chinese. Stephanie had written the script, and it depicted all the funny but true things in our company. One really clever part described how long it takes for Director Ben to come for a meeting on the 7th Floor of our building. Stephanie told Ian that if he had a meeting scheduled for 3:00 and Ben had called to say he’d be 5minutes later, that Ben would arrive at exactly 3:47. Why? Read the 相聲 at the end of this blog to find out! And it’s kind of true! On Monday, Ben had a meeting with Stephanie. When he was in the elevator he thought of the相聲 and Mia’s rule, so he looked at his watch. He was exactly 17 minutes late, just like Mia’s rule!

I have included a copy of the相聲 below in Chinese, if you would like to read it! After they’d finished and everybody had complimented them and praised them for their efforts, May and I started our campaign to make Stephanie cry. We started with a slideshow of photos showing things and places which would remind Stephanie of Taiwan. There were pictures of the teahouse where Stephanie and her boyfriend met, pictures of familiar places around her work and home and pictures of her friends.

Wisteria Teahouse: Where Stephanie first met her boyfriend


The Dragon Boat Team that Stephanie was a part of the first year she was in Taiwan

I kept looking at her face throughout the PPT, but she was strong! She looked like she was enjoying this. Hmm… time to try a little harder. Luckily, we had a surprise for her after the PPT!


Stephanie's English Class for colleagues

Feeling excited, I ended the PPT and started playing her surprise: a voice recording from her brother and one from her boyfriend. At first the speakers weren’t working properly, but after our smart technician Tom had looked over it and fixed the problem… on with the show! First we played a sound clip from her future employer, which was quite funny. Next, her 哥哥 said how much he missed her and that he was happy she’d made so many great friends in Taiwan . It was short and sweet. But I still had the best surprise coming up – her boyfriend. As she listened to his voice, I could tell that she was feeling very emotional.


Her Boyfriend said a long and emotional message to Stephanie at the party!

At the conclusion of the voice recordings, we started playing a video. On the video, people from our company said how much they’d miss Stephanie and why they liked her. It was very funny and sweet to watch, and everyone enjoyed watching this. I especially liked the video of Joe, one of our directors. He told Stephanie about how he has a very big imagination, and when she first came he thought of her like a daughter. He gave her a bike, and when she returned it he felt a little disappointed. It was very sweet to listen to his message!

Ben gave her a present from all of us at the very end of the party. She was crying by then (yes!), and told me that she would have cried more if the party had lasted longer. The present that we gave her was a nice wooden box, with a DVD of the video on it, photos from the PPT, her application form for our company, a copy of her ARC and other memorable things. I know she will keep it safe.

Stephanie will go on to the U.S. , and we all hope that she will settle in well. I know she’ll have many successes, and we wish her all the best with her new life!



Stephanie and Ian performed this at the party

Written by Stephanie

Ian & Stephanie: 穆詩丹, 馬克大 上台一鞠躬

I: 穆詩丹, 你要去美國啊, 我會很想念妳的。 (轉身抱她)

S: 欸, 你幹什麼? 不要動手動腳, 你想吃豆腐啊?

I: 對不起, 我忘了中國人不在公共場所摟摟抱抱。

S: 沒關係, 大人不記小人過, 原諒你一次。

I: 我記得Andrew 跟我說妳是一個雞蛋, 我現在懂他的意思。


I: 唉, 我明天要跟總經理開會。 你有沒有什麼忠告(advice)可以給我?

S: 你們幾點要開會?

I: 我有請Veronica幫我約下午三點。

S: 好, 我算一下總經理三點四十七分會到會議室跟你開會。

I: 3:47?! 你怎麼算出來47這個數字(time)?

S: 很簡單啊。 你一定先半個小時沒有消息。 然後三點半Grace打電話來說, 總經理5分鐘就會到。 這個5分鐘的時間呢, 你要乘以3multiply by 3),那就等於 15 分鐘, 這個算法是Mia教我的。 最後你還要加兩分鐘的時間, 總經理坐電梯從二樓到七樓辦公室, 就表示3:47 可以開會。

I: 原來如此。 謝謝妳的勸告, 我一定會記得。 還有一件事。 甯副總叫我寫一封英文信。 我覺得我寫得還不錯。 結果, 他兩天之內改了十幾次, 還有改我寫的英文句子, 真不知道應該怎麼辦?

S: 喔, 我也有這個經驗。 偷偷地跟你說一個好方法。 你只要讓他相信你寫得就是他叫你改得。 反正, 他改了那麼多次, 自己都不記得他怎麼改了。

I: 這樣喔! 謝謝, 我下次試試看。 我現在要回公司加班。 我要寫一個proposal給總經理。 你知不知道deadline是什麼時候?

S: 你來四個多月, 還不知道嗎? Deadline 永遠都是昨天啊!

S&I: 穆詩丹, 馬克大下台一鞠躬。


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