


This word can be used in so many ways. Let me teach you a few of them.

Subject of a sentence

Q: What was that?           A: It was a shooting star.

Q: What went wrong?    A: Nothing went wrong.

What as an object

Q: What do you want?       A: I want some food, please.

Q: What did Joe break?     A: Joe broke his promise.

What kind of...

Q: What kind of computer do you use?    A: A Mac.

Q: What kind of coffee do you like?           A: I like black coffee.

What + do/did

Q: What do you do on the weekends?         A: I go out with my friends.

Q: What are you doing this afternoon?   A: I am going to the mall.

What + noun

Q: What books have you read?    A: Catch 22 and The Life of Pi.

Q: What color are his pants?         A: Blue.

What + be like

Q: What is your teacher like?    A: She's really nice

Q: What is your house like?       A: It's messy, but comfortable.

What does + look like

Q: What does the cloud look like?    A: It looks like a duck.

Q: What does she look like?               A: She looks like the cloud

There are so many ways to use the word what, but I want you remember one time when you shouldn't use the word what.


If someone says something and you can't hear them properly, DON'T SAY "WHAT?"... Say "pardon", it's more polite.

Hope this helps.


One more thing, here are the answers to last week's quiz.  Incorrect

1. There is too cold.  (Lesson 7 )

2. Don't resist to learn grammar. (Lesson 5 )

3. I need to go. (Lesson 5 )

4. I quit to smoke last year. (Lesson 5 )

5. I was surprised to hear that I had to give blood for a medical test. (Lesson 6 )

6. I like it here. (Lesson 7 )

7. Here is a nice place to live. (Lesson 7 )

8. Have I ever to tell you about the concert next week? (Lesson 3 )

9. I didn't know what could I have done to solve the problem. (Lesson 2 )

10. My father always told me, "Do the best you can, and that all you can do." (Lesson 4 )

11. I need to teach grammar to stay happy. (Lesson 5 )

12. Here is the card I was looking for. (Lesson 7 )

13. I am not afraid telling you that I am afraid of needles. (Lesson 6 )

14. I have ever eaten French cheese before. (What's vegemite? It sounds like a bug.) (Lesson 3 )

15. I have never been there. (Lesson 3 )

16. Have I ever told you about the seafood restaurants in Keelung? (Lesson 3 )

17. When my friends feel sad, I try to think of how can I make them feel better. (Lesson 2 )

18. I am very fortunate to have lived through the experience. (Lesson 6 )

19. When I have an interview, I always try to ask what I can learn from the job. (Lesson 2 )

20. He told me "Go away because he didn't want to learn grammar." (Lesson 4 )



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