
今天Ian要藉由一些小測驗,讓大家複習我們之前上過的文法課內容(OH! Grammar! 1-7),仔細練習以下的題目,我們將在下禮拜的文法課公布答案喔!加油!

Last week you had a day off, but did you review with your extra time? Review is very important. Even if you're learning in your native language, you won't remember new words or facts without reviewing and using them.

So this week I have a test to see if you remember the lessons from the past week. I will post the answers next week. Are you ready?

Are the following sentences correct or incorrect? If they are incorrect, can you tell me why?

1. There is too cold.

2. Don't resist to learn grammar.

3. I need to go.

4. I quit to smoke last year.

5. I was surprised to hear that I had to give blood for a medical test.

6. I like it here.

7. Here is a nice place to live.

8. Have I ever to tell you about the concert next week?

9. I didn't know what could I have done to solve the problem.

10. My father always told me, "Do the best you can, and that all you can do."

11. I need to teach grammar to stay happy.

12. Here is the card I was looking for.

13. I am not afraid telling you that I am afraid of needles.

14. I have ever eaten French cheese before. (What's vegemite? It sounds like a bug.)

15. I have never been there.

16. Have I ever told you about the seafood restaurants in Keelung?

17. When my friends feel sad, I try to think of how can I make them feel better.

18. I am very fortunate to have lived through the experience.

19. When I have an interview, I always try to ask what I can learn from the job.

20. He told me "Go away because he didn't want to learn grammar."


I'll post the answers on next week's bolg. But all the answers are really in the past lessons, so 加油!

Hope you test well. Remember that review is important.




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