




At the Airport!


The girls relaxed during their flight in part 4. In part 5 they will collect their baggage and go through customs… and into beautiful Bangkok !



Jessie: We’ve arrived! How exciting… I can’t wait to go outside and see it all!!

Julia: Let’s hurry up and get all our bags then.

Jessie: Hang on… let me check which collection belt our bags will be on. Let’s see, for flight CX111 we need to go to number 8. It’s just over there…

Riana:  We’ve been waiting 10 minutes already! Waiting for luggage is such a waste of time, we could be outside and running around Bangkok by now.

Julia: I’m sure they’ll come in good time, just be patient. We still got to get through customs after this.

Jessie: Here they come now. That’s handy, our bags are all together!

Riana: Here’s a trolley to put them on. Let’s move onto customs now… oh no, not another line!

Julia: Patience is a virtue… which you just don’t have, hahaha!

Jessie: Just give the officer your immigration slip and your passport.

Riana: And then out into sweet paradise! Hurry up guys…



A waste of time: a devotion of time to a useless activity.

Eg: It’s a complete waste of time visiting Aunt Harriet. I could be studying for my exam instead!

Come in good time: Something you tell someone when they’re being impatient.

Eg: Don’t ask about opening your presents now, that’ll come in good time. Let’s wait for Daddy to come home ok?

Patience is a virtue: Nothing happens before it’s time.

Eg: If you want to ask me for the exam results, remember that patience is a virtue. You can see them next Monday and not before!


Important words:

Collect baggage

Luggage collection belt



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