There are many different people in this world, who you might think of as different. American, Arabs, Chinese, French, Swedish, Kenyan… Have you ever thought of what they might think of you?
My friends, Prasad and Cindy - from Sri Lanka and Tahiti
What do you think Taiwanese culture is like??
In the business world, people have more opportunities to be meeting with people from a range of foreign countries, and therefore the chance to interact with many different cultures. However, the appropriate styles of communication can vary and so it is easy to make cultural mistakes. For instance:
Western people might think that Japanese are secretive, ambiguous or evasive when providing information. However, Japanese might think that Westerners are offensively blunt.
My Japanese friend and I
Even within Europe there are major differences. Let’s look at France and Germany :
Germans like things to be thoroughly and concisely explained, and so a German manager will explain the obvious to a French employee. The French will feel that their intelligence is being insulted, and yet in the same situation German employees will feel that the French manager provides no direction.
Does that sound confusing to you?
Well, cultural differences definitely can be confusing. Ian and I noticed may new things when we came here. Similarly, our colleagues who travelled overseas to the US or other countries felt the cultural differences too.
Some French friends in Paris --->
Some things that Ian and I noticed were:
- The importance of sons in Taiwanese culture, especially the first son!
- Taiwanese appear to be shy and extremely modest.
- They're very kind and considerate, always thinking of how to make life more comfortable.
- Taiwanese concepts of "family" are very strong, including the responsibility of looking after parents and children.
- In the classroom, Taiwanese students won't ask any questions unless the teacher asks them directly. They prefer to ask questions during the "tea break".
Ian's family dinner at Christmas
Some interesting things our friends noticed in other countries:
- The topic of how much your salary is, isn't discussed in public in the US
- Baby showers and other celebrations are very common
- People are much more outgoing!
- If you don't know something, you'll get more respect by saying "I don't know, but I'll look it up and tell you next time."
Hanging out with my friends in Taiwan
There are three ways in which problems arise when associating with people from another culture. If you interpret others' comments and actions incorrectly, there will be confusion and misunderstandings. Same goes for predicting other's behavior or behavioral conflicts. Have you ever seen or heard about this?
Some differences in interpretation could be like these following examples:
Handshakes |
In the US , a firm, short handshake is considered confident and masculine. However, a limp handshake can be seen as weak, or even seen as a (usually wrong) indication of homosexuality! It should only last for a few seconds or else it is interpreted as familiarity and warmth. |
In Africa , a limp handshake is the correct way to greet people. Also, it is quite common for the handshake to last several minutes! |
Women |
In Britain , men do not look at women on the streets, or else be seen as some kind of lustful man. |
The French look at women on the streets. It is seen as a normal sign of appreciation. |
On the other hand, cultural differences are a really wonderful and interesting thing about different people. I have many friends from all over the world, and we are patient and very clear about everything. Sometimes they'll do something I think is strange, and so I tell them straight away. It's fun to share these momets with each other! They always think I'm weird, so they've simply stopped telling me that!
I always love learning new facts about people and cultures!
...that Eskimos rub noses instead of kissing
...that a group of stars called the "Southern Cross" is on the Australian flag which can be seen in the Australian sky.
...that the name Japan means land of the rising sun and the red circle on the Japanese flag is a rising sun.
...that in Africa there are over 1,000 languages spoken
...that dark skin protects people from the sun in very hot and wet places.
...that Portuguese fishermen paint eyes on their boats, because they hope that the eyes will see where the fish are.
...that when Europeans first came to the Far East , they were amazed at the shiny pottery still called "china" today.
...that the Romans used leather as the uniform for their army, since leather can protect the body. This is why today's motorcycle riders wear leather.
...that all people belong to the same species called Homo Sapiens which means "wise man" in Latin.
So, what are your views on different people and countries? What do you think they think about you and Taiwan??
I look forward to hearing what you all think!